Upcoming Events

Tarpon Art Guild


161 East Tarpon Avenue, Tarpon Springs, FL, 34689 in Downtown Tarpon Springs

11:00 to 5:00, Monday to Saturday

12:00 to 5:00 on Sunday

LaVerne’s Art by Design

Original paintings and Limited Edition Prints are available. LaVerne does custom paintings from your photos.
Paintings can be shipped. LaVerne takes credit cards and PayPal.

E Mail: [email protected] or call her Mobile: 813 545 8646.

Reeds Woods

Max A. Reed (Tony,) is a master craftsman on the lathe. He creates hand turned bowls, candle-sticks, &
other unique items like hair accessory racks.  These items are constantly changing.
Pens can be custom designed by color, metal, or acrylic.
Shipping is available.

Contact Tony on his Mobile: 812 243 4008 or E Mail: [email protected]

Custom Rugs & Art To Your Specifications

If you have looked in every store in your town, combed the internet, and forced your family to look in rug stores while on vacation, we need to talk.

Just take a deep breath because we are your answer. We offer professional personalized service as a total rug resource and more.

Check Out Some Of Our Beautiful Art